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SunAge: Battle For Elysium Full Crack [addons]


About This Game SunAge: Battle for Elysium is a return to the roots of real-time strategy, providing beautiful 2D visuals combined with all the features that we came to expect from old school classics. This remastered and continually improved version is a culmination of features requested by the community. 3 distinct races – Human, Raak-Zun and Sentinel – each with their own units, buildings, technological advantages and disadvantages.A compelling story spanning 25 missions across 3 campaigns.A revolutionary control scheme empowering the player to quickly organize squads, formations, attack order and more, while maintaining fast-based combat.Alternate combat modes can be researched for all units, unlocking dual functionality that can be activated during the heat of battle for greater tactical control. Expand your territory quickly by building a network of transmitters. Classic competitive online multiplayer with careful balance between tactical micromanagement and strategic choices. Fight against A.I. opponents or challenge your friends. New options to choose from (supply capacity, startup resources, ...) Steam friends supportAttack orders are now directly executed.Instant Squad reaction times.Improved multiple squad selection and handling (select all on screen, assign shortcuts, ...)Expansion of in game HUD to better communicate important functions that might have been overlooked.Added: Borderless Windowed Mode.Added: Squad Stances (Offensive, Defensive, Stand Ground)Display of unit/building shortcuts in unit info window.Complete overhaul of the GUIAdded: New multiplayer & skirmish optionsImproved: Minimap (buildings and zoom options)Added: Several Mouse Control Schemes to select from. 7aa9394dea Title: SunAge: Battle for ElysiumGenre: Indie, StrategyDeveloper:vertex4 entertainment ltd.Publisher:vertex4 entertainment ltd.Release Date: 15 Dec, 2014 SunAge: Battle For Elysium Full Crack [addons] C-L-U-N-K-Y.This game handles like a car with all four tires removed. Sparks flying, handling shot, careening all over the place.Selecting units makes them move. It's next to impossible to see which units are actually selected. Grouping is♥♥♥♥♥♥ Pathing is♥♥♥♥♥♥ They won't stay put or stay in formation. It's a telltale sign of a badly crafted game when what frustrates you is just trying to make your units stand where you put them and face in a given direction; without shuffling around, facing a different way without orders, charging, retreating, or just not going where the UI alleges that they will. Oh, and heaven help you if you just want to play the game. This thing will not let you click four times in a row without a protracted cutscene. Thank goodness it was on sale for only $7. I can handle wasting that much money without it ruining my day.. Amazing game! Brings me back to the tiberium sun games. Must buy!!. Really strange plot. I really like the Raak-zuun. I only played the campaign. I liked it but the control system is kinda clunky. You don't drag to select you have to shift drag.Seems like infantry dominate this game. Just spam them to win the campaigns.The graphics are nice. They're not really trying to be good but they try to be stylized meaning it probably won't make your eyes bleed in 5 years when you replay it.. The main problem with the game is the unit selection and movement controls. Dragging the mouse over multiple units does not do what it should do in all other RTS games ever.The story and art style are good for an indie game, and the sound design is top-notch. The game's presentation is a lot like that of the 2-D Command & Conquer games. But the unit selection does not work like C&C, it does not work like COH, it does not work like Starcraft.. Need more micromanagement than expected. Nice graphic 2D graphic though.. First off, I just want to give a big shoutout to the people involved in the making of this game, it's quite amazing for such a small team, the graphics, the sound, the units, it all feels professional and like a high quality indie game. However there are a lot of small bugs.A bit of a detailed explanation of the specificities of the game compared to other RTS I know:+All units have 2 modes that can be switched without cooldowns (for example heavy infantry can switch between rocket launchers or mortars) it can also switch between anti-air to support heals and so on, however the alternate mode must be researched first in the research lab+There are 4 ressource types, 1 is the base ressource widespread all around the map, easy to find, the 2 next are more rare but still common and each associated with a different type of units, vehicles or air units, with some subtleties depending on each faction, and the last one called Iberium rods, is very rare and allows to research powerful endgame techs and units.+The game sports a unique system of power line via a complex network of electric towers required to have buildings work. But theres also a big lack of polish on the core mechanics that make a good RTS good.-First of all pathfinding, oh my goodness .. regardless how good your micro is, you will encounter units doing the opposite of what you ask, that's the way it is in this game, deal with it... either going the opposite direction, attacking other targets, ignoring orders and quite frequently.-Selection tool, Basically the selection dynamically creates groups of 25 units max of the same type and move them automatically in formation, so while it may sound like a neat feature to sort units into groups quickly, in practice, combined with the poor pathfinding, it makes selecting the right units without moving the others quite a nightmare forcing you to use the alternate selection mode (basically the regular selection method but you must hold MAJ and lose accesss to custom formation when holding right click). The selection tool has I think unecessary innovations or perhaps just poorly implemented ones that it add unecessary micro for no real benefit.-Units collision, another aspect of pathfinding here that is problematic, there is some degree of unit collision which tries to prevent several units from clipping into each other but here it is set way too high and prevents from positioning units where you want to and creates more unnecessary micro management plus a sense of not being in control of your units.(Particularly so in this mission where you need to avoid areas of lethal gaseous clouds but your infantry just keeps happily jumping into it).-Putting infantry in an air transport, again, this seems very specific, but it happens a lot in the campain and seems highly bugged, sometimes happening instantly teleporting all units at once into the vehicle, sometimes taking forever because some units is stuck somewhere, sometimes seeming to be done but all units pop out of the transport when it takes off, etc... in short, it's clunky, as is the way air transport land by the way, sometimes they circle around 3 times while getting hit before deciding to land, sometimes they land directly but no where you want, sometimes they take off just when you select several of them because of the automatic formation thing, etc...So overall its a original game with a lot of hidden depth, and neat 2D art that I think looks stunning. I just hope there will be some sort of quality of life patch because there is definitely a game with a lot of potential spoiled by minor issues here, good intensions and good ideas but also perhapsa lack of polish on the core mechanics like simply moving units around is often either overly complicated or a bit bugged.As for the multiplayer unfortunately there is nobody left to play with online anymore. However the solo campain is fulfilling on its own, it's long and varied enough and does a good job at teaching the game various mechanics, I just wish the story was maybe a tad bit more original like the gameplay is, but it does the job.It's a mixed bag, I personally enjoyed it quite a bit (and I only made 1 of the 3 campains!) but be aware of the issues I mentioned before you set on buying it.. asymmetrical RTS. A slower-paced RTS with atmospheric music and grumpy, grizzled characters reminicent of the late-90s style.Not bad overall but units are very disobedient! I tell them to shoot and they chill in place and get shot at. I tell them to move across the swamp and somehow they think it's a good idea to walk right into poison fog. I suspect dystopian Earth has given them suicidal tendencies.. The controls are no good, they should just use the C&C setup.. This is another game that I wanted to like but Im really on the fence. Or a little on the other side of it. The buildings look great! The unit handling is terrible. You cannot drag selection a group of your soldiers and expect to get them all. All this game will allow is for you to select one group of soldiers at a time. This is frustrating when you're trying to win a battle. This game does badly what C&C Generals and Starcraft do well. And Starcraft is 15 years old!What is also frustrating is that there are many scenario scenes that run during the game. These scenes are used to convey the next set of ohjectives. While the scene is running you can't select units or do what they're asking you to do. I give this game a 5 or 6 out of 10

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